West always raise fingers on suppressed women rights in Pakistan but before discussing whether women have the rights or not in Pakistan we should first understand that what actually the rights of women are. The term women right refers to freedoms and entitlements of women and girls of all ages. These rights may or may not be institutionalized Pakistan is an Islamic society in which most of the practices are according to Islamic teaching and Islam has given equal rights to both men and women, whether it’s property or society in the eyes of Islam all humans are equal. Islam has given equal right to women in getting education and the most important right that Islam has given to women is that the women can’t get married without asking her will and consent. Unfortunately in Pakistani society where we call ourselves Muslims but we are the one who are far away from Islamic teaching. Orally we all can say that we are Muslim but practically we are living our lives without practicing Islamic teaching. If we want to discusses the rights of women in Pakistani society than it is divided into two categories. Pakistan rural areas are in hold of so called Zamindar, Jagirdars, Feudal lords who suppressed the rights of women and considered them as their property. Rural women are working in fields along with men and doing all household work but despite of all the sacrifices and contribution she carries no right and has no share in anything and her life remain property of men who are dominant member of society. Women in rural areas of Pakistan are in worst condition may be there are 10 percent of women enjoying their rights but we are talking about remaining 80 percent of women those rights have been suppressed sometime on name of prestige, her life have been sacrificed on the name of honor killing and other illegal customs which have no place in Islamic teaching and are man made rules for women and make their life like hell. These women have no education nothing they are fully dependents on their men and this is the reason that they cannot raise their voice against any injustice done with them and if they will be educated than they can say no to the violence and cruelty done with them on the name of so called manhood. Rural men think that if they do not suppressed the rights of women and hold their lives in their hands than how they can say themselves that we are MEN and he has all the right to crushed the rights of women under her feet because women has given the right to them to do injustice with them because they feed them and give shelter for living. May be some of my readers will be against me that it is not true and if it is wrong than what about the case of Mukhtara Mai she was gang raped, Tasleem Sulangi and all such thousands of women killed on the name of honor are buried in Kari Graveyard built to give lesson to other women that not to think about living life according to your own will, and never raise voice in front of men for your rights and if someone did so than this Kari Graveyard will be your final destination. Whatever Taliban government was doing with women of Rural areas were totally against Islamic teaching because Islam have given all rights to women and such illiterate people who want to dominate are using the name of Islam for fulfilling their evil designs. Islam is such a religion in which women respect is so important that it can be proved from the saying of Prophet Muhammad that “PARADISE LIES UNDER MOTHER FEET” Lastly I can only say that women respect is necessary from every aspect and they should be given equal rights whether it’s Pakistani society or western. West instead of raising finger on violated rights of women in Pakistan should contribute its share in raising the standard of living of rural women built schools for them so that they all get education, vocational training should be established which can groom the inner abilities and provide the opportunities of earning to women of rural areas. In our point of view lack of earning opportunities and education is the main cause of violation of women rights. If women will be empowered then next coming generation will be educated and women can feel secure and can raise their voice against their rights without hesitation and fear. So this proves that women empowerment is very important for the progress of a country and nation. “When a woman educates the whole family becomes aware and educated and the sequence goes on and on and it makes the whole nation educated”. By listening to local women, involving them early in the decision making, and focusing our resources and knowledge on a number of projects simultaneously we provide positive change that will since last 3 years our assistance and support has moved on. This is what we are doing Focus in targeted Communities. It is all about sustainability. Whether, this means setting up Sewing Centers, to fund Adult Women Literacy Classes or providing a quality Free Formal Education to young girls to educate coming generations. Currently we have three dimensional tasks for women but as we grow we will extend this approach into more phases .We have aim to strengthen the process of Women’s Empowerment in the light of socio-economic development by giving power to the disadvantaged women of the society at the grassroots level through transfer of knowledge and authority. We firmly believe that the permanent solution to improve the feminine gender can only be achieved by developing their women’s ability to mobilize, manage and control local and external resources. The overall objective of the project is to improve the quality of the life of womenfolk by creating awareness among masses and sensitizing policy makers towards women issues for empowering them with equal opportunities. We hope it inspires you to join us in helping people in our developing area become poverty free women. For more information you can contact one of the team, or connect with us on Face book, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram!